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Drainage Clearance

Unblocking any asset you have blocked

3 hr
Price on quotation
Nightingale Road

Service Description

If you have any blockages and are concerned about possible flooding, get in touch with us at any moment and we will be able to help unblock and point you in the right direction of the cheapest and safest solution to protect your family and property. If it is an emergency we won't charge until we get there and assess if we can help. If we can the call out charge (on the spot straight to you) will be £150 (exc. VAT) plus costs of any work carried out (subject to work required). Even a phone call can point you in the right direction and all our advice is free!

Contact Details

  • 37 Nightingale Road, Kirton, Boston, UK


General Enquiries:


Alternatively call on: 07909282326 or 07745759181

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